Thursday 1 September 2011

Plan For Tomorrow, Live For Today!

Anyway, this is really where I wanted to start this blog, but I got over excited about writing my first that I had to put down in pixels what had happened to me over the Notting Hill weekend.

Plan For Tomorrow, Live For Today is not the theme of this blog, but generally a theme that I try to live my life by.

My Bro died just over a year ago and after his death, which was way to early in his life, I tried to take something positive from the experience. Not easy considering the grief that the whole family and I where going through. My Bro always lived for the moment, not to say he took advantage of every opportunity that came his way, because he didn't. He lived a simple life that evolved around his family and friends. A life that I was often quite envious of and one that didn't lead him far in terms of miles, but led him epic distances in terms of respect from his peers and the amount of love that his friends and family had for him.

Living for the moment as my Bro did was a tough challenge, he didn't plan much, just took life as it was presented to him. Although he was a happy man, this way of life meant that he stayed still a lot and was very cautious. I believe living for today probably contributed to his early death.

So, how to get round this? I thought. Can I take the good things about his way of life and mix them with the good things about my way of life. I remembered a saying that I hear a lot, normally after someone close has died, or people go through a scare. Its 'Live For Today'. I just don't think it works. I see people in the pub getting pissed every day, saying that they live their life as if they would die tomorrow.

Problem with this is, what if you don't? What if you live for another 50 years? What if you have kids and are still at the pub all day, living for the moment, enjoying life and not caring about what tomorrow brings.

So I always try to plan for tomorrow, I think about 10 yrs time, 50yrs, 60yrs, and also tomorrow, the next day and next week. I plan way too much in some peoples eyes, and this has sometimes stops me from enjoying today. Plans can change, but if you don't have one, then nothing changes, and 'living for today' can so easily become 'doing nothing'.

So, 'plan for tomorrow, live for today' is where I found myself. For me this means that I party hard, but don't let the partying, or 'living', get in the way of my life, or 'plans'. e.g. I will drink til the cows come home, but I will always make sure I get up for work the next day and know what it is I have to do before I sit at my desk. Plan your life, and live it! Plan nothing, and go nowhere!

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