Sunday 11 September 2011

Make Micro-chipping A Legal Requirement!

I got him back! I went through a trail of different government departments and staff, but traced him to the local kennels! No fine from the kennels which I thought was great, they had fed him and looked after him for 2 days but were happy to just let me have him back. There was however a £101.13 fine from the council for using the dog warden! Bloody ridick! I got him micro-chipped too but apparently because micro-chipping is not a legal requirement, the dog warden doesn't have to scan for one, so could still take a found pet to the kennels ensuring another £100 fine for the owner. I say make micro-chipping a legal requirement. I wonder if I could get micro-chipped, might help on the late Saturday nights when resting at bus stops!

Typical Pet Microchip
I am obviously pleased that he was found and picked up instead of being run over or stolen or dying somehow, but they found him outside where we live, and just picked him up and took him away. IF YOU FIND A PET, HE IS PROBABLY NEAR HIS HOME, JUST ASK THE NEIGHBOURS AND THEY WILL PROBABLY KNOW! Don't piss off with him to the vets assuming he is lost from miles away. The vets Raymond was taken to are 6 miles from our house. He was found 200 yards from our house.

I have friends in the city who come and visit me in the country and say that they are always looking out for animals, (as if trying to impress a country man), that they always pick up pets they see lost. STOP IT! How do you know they are lost??????

We're on a road trip at the moment, which he loves as he gets to see everything. We will go and visit my brothers grave and the rest of the living family and spread the word of this post!

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