Tuesday 30 August 2011

Some People Are F***ing Blind!

As I prepare to leave London town, post carnival, I walk to my car and notice that I have yet again got another ticket from the bastards at Camden Town ticketing office. This time I was more surprised as I specifically walked to the car last night to put money on it, as you can see!

Parking ticket with paid-for ticket below it!
I am absolutely MAD! this is the 5th time I have received a ticket on this road, and yes in the past it has sometimes been my own fault, like when I was parked in the right spot, had money on the car, but had also accidentally parked about 4cm over the bus-stop marking, this led to a £160 fine!!!

This time I planned to make my attack direct to the council. Should we start to tax parking officers who waste our time because they can't see, or are just plain stupid? Anyway, I calmed down and started the drive back to my place, 4 hours later I have just arrived home and started putting this into the blog. At the same time I have called the ticket office and explained my disappointment at their inability to dish out a well deserved ticket. I told them that I know for a fact that they took a picture, because this is policy now, and that if they looked at it they will clearly be able to see that I have bought my ticket!!

I don't believe it. She has just got back to me after 10 mins on hold! Apparently the ticket I paid £6 for was completely useless because I was parked in a residents permit holder only area!!!!!!!

As I was saying, some people are f***ing blind, namely me!!

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