Monday 29 August 2011

Feel-Good Films Make Me Depressed

Is it only me or do feel-good films make you feel depressed?

I watched Street Dance today, crap film, really badly acted and a crap weak script, but I bloody loved it. Street dance films are always feel-good, same old story of kids from the streets, making it work through dance, which is always good to watch. Plus my ex was a street dancer so I have a kind of personal interest in the area.

Anyway when I do watch films, which is very very rare, I tend to compare them to my own life. So even though I enjoyed Street Dance, I thought, 'why can't I be a street dancer and win a UK show' which is such a ludicrous idea, so ludicrous in fact that I am laughing to myself as I write this.

At least when I watch a depressing film I can sit back and relax in the knowledge that I haven't been made into a human centipede!!!!! Which by the way is a rank film!

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