Tuesday 30 August 2011

Some People Are F***ing Blind!

As I prepare to leave London town, post carnival, I walk to my car and notice that I have yet again got another ticket from the bastards at Camden Town ticketing office. This time I was more surprised as I specifically walked to the car last night to put money on it, as you can see!

Parking ticket with paid-for ticket below it!
I am absolutely MAD! this is the 5th time I have received a ticket on this road, and yes in the past it has sometimes been my own fault, like when I was parked in the right spot, had money on the car, but had also accidentally parked about 4cm over the bus-stop marking, this led to a £160 fine!!!

This time I planned to make my attack direct to the council. Should we start to tax parking officers who waste our time because they can't see, or are just plain stupid? Anyway, I calmed down and started the drive back to my place, 4 hours later I have just arrived home and started putting this into the blog. At the same time I have called the ticket office and explained my disappointment at their inability to dish out a well deserved ticket. I told them that I know for a fact that they took a picture, because this is policy now, and that if they looked at it they will clearly be able to see that I have bought my ticket!!

I don't believe it. She has just got back to me after 10 mins on hold! Apparently the ticket I paid £6 for was completely useless because I was parked in a residents permit holder only area!!!!!!!

As I was saying, some people are f***ing blind, namely me!!

Monday 29 August 2011

Change Lanes And Get There Faster!

Yesterday I was driving to London and remembered that I had solved the worlds motorway congestion problems! Well at least found a way to reduce travelling time in heavy stop start congestion.

I drive about 50,000 miles a year, resulting in endless traffic jams on motorways and general frustration from crap drivers. All the experts say that when in a traffic jam the best option is to stay in your lane, and you get there quicker. And it is true to say that in the past I have ignored this advice only to end up 27 cars behind where I originally started. There is a better way though and it comes down to timing and knowing that most drivers are crap and slow to react.

Rules are these, in normal traffic the fast lane is generally best, it's the fastest and is furthest away from the slip road. But in heavy congestion, the kind where all 3 lanes of the motorway will be stopping and starting, the middle lane is fastest, every time, fact!

People do realise this but by the time they make their move it is far too late. However generally if you can see epic traffic ahead, move to middle, less cars and moves more freely.

Ok but don't be slow to react, you MUST look ahead, if you see the traffic opening up again get to the fast lane immediately, else you'll be stuck in middle until everyone has gone past you and you might as well never bothered anyway.

Feel-Good Films Make Me Depressed

Is it only me or do feel-good films make you feel depressed?

I watched Street Dance today, crap film, really badly acted and a crap weak script, but I bloody loved it. Street dance films are always feel-good, same old story of kids from the streets, making it work through dance, which is always good to watch. Plus my ex was a street dancer so I have a kind of personal interest in the area.

Anyway when I do watch films, which is very very rare, I tend to compare them to my own life. So even though I enjoyed Street Dance, I thought, 'why can't I be a street dancer and win a UK show' which is such a ludicrous idea, so ludicrous in fact that I am laughing to myself as I write this.

At least when I watch a depressing film I can sit back and relax in the knowledge that I haven't been made into a human centipede!!!!! Which by the way is a rank film!