Tuesday 7 February 2012

Fat-Tax: Genius or Communist?

As I sit in a quaint coffee shop in Belsize Park, London, I am reading a newspaper article that seems to be over 3 months old now, but I'm here and waiting patiently for my crumpet and eggs Benedict so I may as well have a gander.

In Denmark they are introducing a FAT TAX!!!! and I have to say, this could be the best idea since sliced bread (without butter), albeit a little communist!

So it seems to go like this: If a food product in Denmark is sold and its saturated or homogenised fat content is over that stipulated by this new law, the consumer has to pay an additional fat-tax to allow for the incessant growing cost of obesity that ensues their nation! I think we have the starting of a genius idea, but why tax the citizen, why tax us, when really its the manufacturers decision to make fatty foods, we as consumers just give-in to the fine tastes and aromatic smells that these less healthy foods use to draw our well earned money from our wallets.

Why not instead tax the manufacturer? If they are selling food with higher fat content then the government could place a tax on the producer that tracks their ratio of bad to good fat content in their products. Undoubtedly this would be passed onto the consumer and so the end result could possibly be the same, yet at least it would be invisible to us normal folk who occasionally indulge in a chocolate biscuit. Stopping us from being terrorised by our governments and chastised for wanting something tastier than rice bread. Which by the way I have discovered is very tasty, yet a little boring!!!

I say bring in Fat-Tax everywhere, let's beat obesity at the stem of its growth by placing tax on the production managers' ingredient decision making!!!! Or of course we could just educate our kids that sitting in front of the TV all day eating Chinese takeaways isn't going to give you a body like Cameron Diaz! or Daniel Craige for that matter. I don't know how many times I have seen documentaries on the subject where some over sized mother of 6 is doing a piece-to-camera explaining: 'Oh I really don't know what to do! My kids keep getting bigger an bigger and I try to make them play outside but they just don't listen'.... All this as the camera zooms out to show a 12 tonne lady sitting on a sofa that could have only been broken by the abuse her ass is giving it, handing out takeaway meals to all her children as they play the XBOX! Get of the sofa and lead by example!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in NYC recently, and its the first time I've been to the US since I was 11 yrs old. An awesome experience. In New York there are nearly 19 million people! In a city the size of Bristol, England. Or smaller for that matter. New Yorkians consume the least amount of energy per-capita, that is to say per-person, compared to any other city in the USA. Hard to believe? well they don't have cars, they have small apartments, and because of the young population, business minded up-starts and up and coming actors, they don't tend eat much either, this is probably helped by the lack of cash the most part of the population have. In my opinion they are all in pretty good shape! That is until you see a copper! Boom, he arrives like Attila the Hun! Police in NYC are FAT, Fact! maybe they should have the fat tax! Maybe it should be a doctor prescribed tax until you loose the excess weight?

Who knows where this will lead, probably not past the borders of Denmark as they have a history of doing things 'their' way. But if it does leak into the UK as a concept, I will certainly be doing my part for society, and pointing out all the potential customers for the new regime!!!!!

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