Wednesday 26 September 2012

Cow Tipping - A Load Of Old Bullocks

I grew up on a farm in Devon, England. An area traditionally known for its agricultural heritage and beautiful countryside. At school many of my class-mates came from a similar background, but the larger percentage were from non-agricultural families, still the general knowledge on the subject of farming by many was far greater than that in a city environment. This was proved this when my best friend from a city I lived in previously came to visit me and explained that he didn't like the milk my mum served with cornflakes, (fresh from the cows udder), because he preferred the milk they had at his house, the type that was made in and came from a factory and not a living creature! Oh dear!

Its a common playground tale of boys and girls creeping out at night, slowly and silently creeping up to cows as they stand whilst sleeping. Not disturbing them before pushing hard and toppling them over, all in all a sport / pastime named cow-tipping! I am sure you have heard of it before, and if not then you surely know someone who has. I asked my folks and they had also heard this tale as children. In fact type it into google and you will see a whole range of text on the subject.

I believed every tale I heard about this, never to try, but often wondering if I should join in by running out to our own herd one evening and join the craze. It was only when I got older and re-thought this hilarious idea that I could see all the gaps in the story. Now, I am not saying that it is impossible to tip over a cow who is standing, but lets face it, cow-tipping is complete bollocks. Firstly, cows don't sleep standing up, FACT. why would they? Cows are like any other grass eating mammal and prefer to be warmer rather than colder, they sit, and sometimes roll onto their sides like horses to rest for the evening, but certainly don't stand up. I knew this but still as a kid couldn't see this massive hole in the theory. Secondly, have you ever tried to push a cow over? I can say for a fact that every kid at school who claimed to have taken part in this after school-hours activity was clearly lying. they lived in built-up areas and non of the farming children ever claimed such a thing. Funny that! I once tried to push a cow to one side as it stood in my way in a barn. With all my might I pushed this cow, it was an immovable object that simply just rocked slightly as my whole body leaned with all my strength against it. Cows are heavy and even if you did catch one off guard, it would soon know you were there and probably kick you in the face before legging it to the rest of the herd making a loud thud as its hooves damaged the soft ground. You could maybe try a calf, but they are skittish and even more likely to kick you, plus they are quick to move and have a great sense of balance.

So I give to you the breaking of a myth. Cow tipping as a popular pastime is surely nothing but a load of old bullocks!

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